Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Interfaces & Editors

I  just read through Dr Dobelin's manual .  Dr Dobelin not only wrote a nice software, but also teaches very clearly.

The GUI puts together things for you unless you like the DOS window very much.  The nicest feature is that it calls out the mineral if you double click on the peak.  That is a big step forward.

Loading various files is handled in the background.  You can add or remove a str file by a click.  It also has an internal editor. 

What is a little confusing to me includes the following items:
1. when reading Bruker's raw files, the time may be a combination of the number of 1D PSD channels and the real time.
2. the index number of str files can be very stubborn after you manually change one number.

Talking about an editor.  I always wish that there is a notepad-like editor that allows you to define various key words. PFE is a good one as it allows metacharacters, such as \n, \t etc.  http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/staff/steveb/cpaap/pfe/.   Notepad2 is my current favorite http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html.  It shows the keywords of various languages.  Fortunately we have these editors, using something like vi is a nightmare.  Only occasionally I use the command "cat  >1.sav", which allow you drag an icon from window explorer to the black window without typing the lengthy path.  Notepad++ allows you to define your own keyword sets, but the size of the program is too large for me.

So much for editors with GUIs.
I like the stream editor a lot; cannot go too much into details because the next generation will laugh at the idea of using a stream editor. 

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